Ben Moss

Ben Moss has designed and coded work for award-winning startups, and global names including IBM, UBS, and the FBI. When he’s not in front of a screen he’s probably out trail-running.

Windows 8: a tale of two OS

Today, Microsoft will be launching Windows 8, the biggest redesign of its flagship product in nearly two decades;…

Google allow you to plead ignorance

Since the launch of Google's Penguin update in April, sites that rely on black-hat link building including purchased…

Firefox gets friendly

Now that the dust has begun to settle on Mozilla's go-stop-go launch for Firefox 16, the company is able to turn its…

Google folds

If there is an issue more likely than the fold, to cause web designers to draw battle lines and pick sides, we're yet…

50+ beautiful cloud icons

What is the fascination with clouds? Ever since the first iPhone brought a weather app to our pockets designers have…

Firefox 16 crashes and burns

Mozilla's Firefox has been slowly losing market share since its peak in mid-2009. Prior to the establishment of…

Could Google's Penguin kill the franchise?

Creep up behind the nearest SEO specialist and whisper "Penguin!" in their ear. Now watch as they cough, splutter and…

Would you Like-A-Hug?

For too long we've been trapped behind our desks, starved of human contact, linked only by the chirps of a push alert,…

Microsoft's TypeScript receives a mixed reaction

The one ECMAScript it's still okay to like, JavaScript has in recent years shrugged off its 'under-powered', 'bloated'…

Monstrously beautiful font

We're all familiar with the parable of the ugly duckling; spurned by its peers for being too ugly, it is miserable…

Welcome to the new face of social media, we call it erm... Myspace

Facebook is a stupid name for a social media site. Facebook: a book of faces; a directory of the cool kids; an elitist…

Adobe "Create the Web"

Yesterday, Adobe used the keynote slot of their 'Create the Web' event in San Francisco to preview what they hope, will…

Image styling with canvas

It's hard to identify universally accepted rules in web design, but if there is one that the whole community agrees…

Disqus: A little less disqusion, a little more action please

In May this year, our editor suffered an unfortunate accident. Having booted up his machine and fetched his morning…

Sizing type with Lucas Sequences

The relationship between text and the rest of a page is one of the key characteristics of any design. Rhythm, emphasis…