Cameron Chapman
What's new for designers, February 2013
The February edition of what's new for web designers and developers includes new web apps, jQuery plugins and…
Futuristic typeface echoes art nouveau designs
Is there anything better than a font named after the Spanish word for cockroach? Maybe a font named after that combined…
Sensational deal on Photoshop actions
Photoshop opens up such a huge range of possibilities for photography enthusiasts. And Photoshop actions make it easy…
10 things HBO's Girls can teach you about design
Even if you haven't seen the show, you've almost certainly heard of HBO's hit Girls, created by and starring Lena…
Punk rock + Swiss modernism combined
I'm a huge fan of punk rock, particularly punk bands from the 70s and 80s. And I think it's safe to say that most…
Free WordPress themes!
A lot of us can never get enough WordPress themes.
It's not like we get a merit badge for having a couple hundred of…
What's new for designers, January 2013
The January edition of what's new for web designers and developers includes new web apps, jQuery plugins, API tools,…
Zurb acquires Forrst
Design and development community Forrst is a great resource for designers and developers who want to share their work…
15 New Year's resolutions for designers
It's hard to believe that 2012 is coming to a close. We lived through the Mayan "apocalypse". And we're now looking at…
The best of 2012 for designers
In 2012, we covered a ton of new apps, resources, and more for designers and developers. In fact, we covered nearly 500…
30+ inspiring sites to spark your creativity
New site designs pop up every week, all over the web. Sometimes they fly under the radar for weeks before being found,…
Adobe announce new features for Creative Cloud
Today, Adobe announced some exciting new features in Creative Cloud, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Muse. Of particular…
What's new for designers, December 2012
The December edition of what's new for web designers and developers includes new web apps, jQuery plugins, productivity…
85+ new WordPress themes to inspire you
Whether you're a WordPress theme creator or just a consumer, it's important to stay abreast of what's going on in the…
Check out Adobe Creative Cloud's latest updates live on Facebook
One of the biggest advantages to Adobe's Creative Cloud membership is the regular updates Adobe offers to Cloud…
40+ essential WordPress plugins
If you run your website on WordPress, chances are you use at least a handful of plugins. That's what's so great about a…
What's new for designers, November 2012
The November edition of what's new for web designers and developers includes new web and Mac apps, JavaScript and…
Take a closer look at tonight's beverage
It's Friday! Across the globe millions of workers will celebrate the end of a hard week and the arrival of the weekend…