25 Inspiring Examples of Sign-Up Pages

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July 24, 2009

A well developed and organized sign-up page has to relay a large quantity of data in a small area and must be quick and easy to read and understand.

Overly creative plan names are more likely to hurt your sign-up process instead of help, as they'll take longer to understand.

It's better to save your creativity for the other pages which will be redirecting the user to the sign-up page.

Start a trial and error phase to test out what your audience might specifically be attracted to as this will vary from site to site.

Here are 25 creative examples of sign-up pages which you can use as a starting point for inspiration when designing your own.

1. Wufoo

2. Ballpark

3. Squarespace

4. Concept Share

5. The Resumator

6. Big Cartel

7. MindMeister Editions

8. Freckle

9. Nibble Tech

10. Form Spring

11. Zen

12. Strutta

13. Basecamp

14. DropSend

15. LightCMS

16. Linkpatch

17. Mailer Mailer

18. Livestream

19. eWedding

20. Media Temple

21. Litmus

22. Brightbox

23. Harvest

24. Web-o-matic

25. Crazy Egg

Compiled exclusively for WDD by Liz Fulghum

What aspects are important to you when designing a sign-up page? Please share your views with us!

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