Most web pros can't make it through a week without falling back on some else's work: you may be a great programmer, but can you illustrate? You may be a great icon designer, but do you understand type?
We don't all have a studio of colleagues to pass work off to. Some of us have no choice but to take the bull by the horns.
When you're desperately in need of an asset that you don't have the time or experience to produce, icon sets, banners, badges and all manner of graphic assets can be a life saver.
The big problem with freebies though, is that you spend almost as long sifting through the dross to find some hidden gems, as you would getting your head down and drawing everything from scratch.
But today we have some great news, ByPeople has put together one of the biggest bundles of free files that we've ever seen.
See some of the previews here:
Once you've downloaded the lot you'll find you have 1000s of great items including:
- 100 menus
- 100 seamless patterns
- 100 search boxes
- 20 résumé templates
- 100 character illustrations
- 100 pixel perfect icons
- 80 Credit card icons
- 2 original fonts
- 100 shadows
- 100 user icons
- 202 logo templates
- 20 banner templates
- 20 PSD themes
- 40 stationery templates
- 40 toolbars
- 50 business card templates
- 50 dividers
- 50 shines
- 50 social media icons
- 60 badges
- 70 buttons
- 750 applications icons
- 80 boxes
- 80 sliders
- 90 ribbons
- Dozens of pixel patterns
- 100 backgrounds
Go to see it and download it all!
Ben Moss
Ben Moss has designed and coded work for award-winning startups, and global names including IBM, UBS, and the FBI. When he’s not in front of a screen he’s probably out trail-running.