
Everything you need to know about the world of tech, from Web 3.0, to social networks and government legislation.

The ultimate guide to design meetings

The basic idea of a meeting is simple: it's when two or more people get together to discuss one or multiple topics. It…

Manage your invoicing for free with Hiveage

One of the biggest challenges freelancers face is getting the ‘business stuff’ right. Far too many freelance careers…

The secret to making a healthy profit from SaaS

Over the last few years a number of SaaS (Software as a Service) products have hit the market and opened up new…

The secret to surviving an unresponsive client

Why do some clients stop communicating with us all of a sudden? Is there any way out of this crappy situation? Picture…

The freelancer’s guide to outsourcing

When I quit my job 7 years ago to go freelance as a web designer, I thought I was finally free. But what I soon…

Graphics, guts and glory

I write articles about how to get a client to accept a contract, keeping your dignity and rights as a professional…

5 things to consider before saying “yes” to a startup

Startups are exciting! It’s something new that may become a multi-billion dollar company like Facebook and you could be…

How to decline requests for free work with style

It's aggravating and demeaning when a business asks for free work. You feel belittled and often foster an urge to prove…

Do you have what it takes to be an art director?

When I first set out to find a standard definition of art direction, it took me three sessions — not search terms, but…

How much are you worth? What we learnt from the 2014 design salary survey

Design salaries around the world vary a lot. Between all the different positions and experience levels out there, to…

9 nightmare clients and how you can avoid them

Clients come in all shapes and sizes. They’re the lifeblood of any creative agency, bringing with them problems to be…

The trick to pitching a design without striking out

How you present your design solutions (whether it be to another team member or a client) has an impact on how they view…

I hate design…now what?

So you've been working as a designer for the past few years. You're good at it. You're successful. Maybe even really…

What has your website done for you lately?

How do designers use their own websites to promote themselves online? What are some good ways to set up an online…

Pitching for design work: just say no

Pitching is a toxic and addictive habit that sucks up valuable resources and ultimately demeans both you and the work…

Fluid teams: the way you'll work for the rest of your career

This is not a management article. Well, it kind of is, but please leave your…

Don't be a douche bag! A simple guide to being an ethical designer

The creative field, which encompasses design, illustration, photography and anything else that is a commercial-based…

The ultimate guide to freelancing

There are a ton of different reasons people choose to freelance. Sometimes it's born of necessity: you decide you need…