
The web can be a weird place, and it’s all the better for it. Take a break from the grind and enjoy some laughs on us.

The Mind-Bendingly Difficult Material Design Quiz

Initially developed in 2014, Material Design is a subset of flat design, or minimal UI design, while also flirting with…

Quiz: The Inconceivably Hard Color Quiz

Color is one of the fundamental building blocks of design. The color decisions we make–what colors and where, how many…

Poll: The Ethical Dilemma at the Heart of GitHub’s Copilot

On June 29th, GitHub announced Copilot, an AI-powered auto-complete for programmers, prompting a debate about the…

Poll: Are You Excited by Windows 11?

It’s only been a few days since Microsoft officially followed Apple past the $2 Trillion valuation mark, and having…

Poll: Is AMP Dead, and Do We Care?

It’s fair to say that AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a controversial topic among web developers. AMP is a…

Poll: Fast CDN, Cheap CDN, Good CDN, Pick Any One…

This week, a significant portion of the Web fell over when on Tuesday, sites powered by Fastly were impacted by a…

Fiendishly Hard Logo Quiz

Do you know logos? Is branding your thing? Then try our fiendishly hard logo quiz… We’ve lined up ten logos belonging…

Quiz: Find Your Design Career Heaven

Psychologists tell us that by answering a handful of oblique questions, we can gain greater insight into our real…

Poll: Will You Adopt Google’s Material You?

Initially presented as an upgrade for Android 12, Material You is the biggest revision to Material Design since its…

Quiz: Who Designed That Font?

We’re rounding up the week with a fun quiz for anyone who loves fonts. You’ve seen these typefaces used in hundreds of…

Poll: Is Basecamp Right To Shutdown Politics At Work?

This week, in a move like something from a particularly eventful episode of The Office, popular project management app…

Quiz: Which CSS Snippet Is The Fastest?

CSS is an awesome tool for styling websites. It’s small, fast, and easy to learn. But like all code, there’s a right…

Poll: Is Environmentally Conscious Web Design Really Worth It?

We’re no longer arguing about whether climate change exists because climate change is now extensively documented.…

Poll: Should You Fire Good Clients?

We all get excited about new projects; we're daydreaming about possibilities from the first contact with a potential…

Key and Surface Tracking Comes to Chrome

This week Google announced further details of its plan to remove cookies from ad tracking. The strategy, which the ad…

Quiz: How Much Do You Know About SEO?

For many, SEO is more of an art than a science, a mysterious process in which a tiny tweak to a site’s code can propel…

Quiz: Can You Spot The Center Of These Shapes?

It’s Friday, and we wanted to have a little fun with a design test that might make you go cross-eyed. Here are ten…

Comics for Designers #440

Every month we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…