Ben Moss

Ben Moss has designed and coded work for award-winning startups, and global names including IBM, UBS, and the FBI. When he’s not in front of a screen he’s probably out trail-running.

Adobe Has Acquired You

There were mixed reactions on Thursday morning when Adobe announced it had acquired Figma.

Exciting New Features in Safari 16

Apple has released an OS update. Packaged in with it is the latest version of Safari, 16. Expected to be released ahead…

15 Best New Fonts, September 2022

Typefaces give expression to text, communicating personality in a way that no other design element can. And so, we put…

Week Four: Start a Web Design Agency in 28 Days

Three weeks ago, you started a web design agency. Then over the last two weeks, you’ve taken a leap toward making your…

Week Three: Start a Web Design Agency in 28 Days

Two weeks ago, you started a web design agency. Last week you began to define your agency by choosing clients, setting…

Week Two: Start a Web Design Agency in 28 Days

Last week, you started a web design agency. This week we’ll help you take the next steps toward making your agency…

15 Best New Fonts, Aug 2022

There’s nothing like a new font or two to breathe new life into your designs. And so, every month, we put together this…

Week One: Start a Web Design Agency in 28 Days

Many designers and developers dream of starting their own web design agency. Most don’t try because it seems too…

10 Ways to Perfect Your Newsletter Signup and Increase Subscribers

Your brain is extremely fast. It’s capable of processing data and making a decision with unparalleled speed. Macro…

15 Best New Fonts, July 2022

Typefaces give a voice and a character to our text. As a result, they influence our designs more than most design…

7 UX Laws You’re Probably Getting Wrong

UX laws are an invaluable tool, providing guidelines for designers that ensure we don’t have to continually reinvent…

WordPress 6.0 Lives Up To The Hype

WordPress 6.0 has been released, and another niche jazz musician will be enjoying extra Spotify royalties next…

When UX Goes Bad (and How to Fix It)

Designing for user experiences is what all designers do. UX is often thought of as the preserve of app or web…

5 Must-Have Elements of a Successful Footer in 2022

If you want to know how well-dressed someone is, look at their shoes. Shoes tell you a lot about a person’s style,…

Myth-Busting NFTs: 7 Claims Fact-Checked

With all the marketing aplomb of basement-coders worldwide, NFTs were named with an acronym that does little to clarify…

The Case Against UX Testing

Picture a dark office, blinds drawn. Picture a UX designer smoking a cigar. See the light filtered through the smoke…

5 Big Web Design Predictions for 2022

Every year, at this time, blogs like this one like to try and predict what’s going to happen in the year ahead. It’s a…

Pantone Color of the Year 2022

At this time every year, Pantone announces its choice for Color of the Year for the coming 12 months. The last year has…