
Learn to code websites the right way. Tips and tricks to help you make the most of front-end technology, from HTML to Sass and React.

How to make your code easily maintainable with living style guides

Style guides of yesteryear are typically thought of as design-oriented documents focusing on branding and color usage.…

New analytics solution Hotjar Insights offers free beta access

You know how you want your visitors to use your site, but do you know how they actually use it? Do you know exactly…

5 reasons you should be using Sass today

By now I’m sure you’ve heard of Sass and how “You really need to start using it!” Learning a new tool can suck and…

The secret to designing website layouts without CSS floats

If you have been designing for the Web at all over the past decade you are undoubtedly familiar with the CSS float…

15 CSS blend modes that will supercharge your images

One of the most invaluable features of Photoshop—arguably, the feature that powered it ahead of its competition—is…

How to get started with layer fonts in CSS

We might be inclined to think of highly decorative and multi-colored fonts as belonging to the digital type age. Not…

How to create an animated sticky header, with CSS3 and jQuery

Trends come and trends go. The ones that stick around the longest do so because they solve a particular problem. A…

8 simple CSS3 transitions that will wow your users

CSS3 has introduced countless possibilities for UX designers, and the best thing about them is that the coolest parts…

3 stunning CSS animation effects that will captivate your users

Beautiful visual design isn't enough any more, modern design needs great interaction to really stand out. Animations in…

7 simple ways to build a buzz around your website

Your website looks slick, your products and services are amazing, and you've launched multiple marketing campaigns. So…

Intriguing study reveals the secrets of successful infographics

What makes an infographic successful? As designers, we want it to achieve a balance of two main things: Did the reader…

The secrets of successful website content

Do you know why book stores are closing at a frightening pace? Because people don't read books anymore. They say they…

Nothing left to say? The decline and fall of blog comments

It's fair to say that blogs like this one have experienced a dip in comments of late. Social media shares remain high,…

10 jQuery snippets every designer should know

jQuery is used on thousands upon thousands of web pages. It’s one of the most common libraries to insert into pages,…

How to Kickstart your HTML

A primary goal of all developers is faster development, especially rapid bootstrapping. There are dozens of frameworks…

How to create a slidable grid with jQuery

This grid is a fun and pleasing way to show multiple pieces of information in the same amount of space, by having each…

How to use HTML5 geolocation

The new geolocation function in HTML5 adds the functionality to the browser necessary to detect the user's location,…

How to write simple, elegant CSS with Compass & Sass

A lot of designers use some sort of CSS pre-processor, whether that be Sass, LESS or Stylus. If you've used any of…