Cards Against Humanity, an awesome website for horrible people

If you're not familiar with Cards Against Humanity, think of it like Apples to Apples for very sick and twisted…

Deal of the week: 9 classic, vintage, retro, grunge fonts

When it comes to your web design toolkit, you can never have too many fonts. Typefaces are key to creating the right…

50 fantastic freebies for web designers, October 2014

We’re back with another fresh set of freebies for your delectation. This month we’ve included trendy fonts, icon packs,…

Why your clients don’t care about their users, and how you can make them

We have all been there haven’t we? The meeting where the client asks you to subscribe users to their newsletter without…

What web designers can learn from Google’s Material Design

Material Design is Google’s new visual design language. It was introduced at the 2014 I/O Conference in June, and it’s…

Comics of the week #258

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

40 brand logos with hidden messages

A brand is arguably a company’s most valuable asset, but it’s the brand logo in particular that really speaks volumes…

Deal of the week: 100+ essential 3D mockups & effects from IngImage

All designers rely on their tools; the more complete your toolbox, the easier you’ll find commercial jobs. So we’re…

Startup Framework introduces WordPress support

The Web is overrun with an endless supply of frameworks, leaving web designers with no shortage of options. Yet, many…

The secret of grid layouts, and the mistake you’re probably making

I mentioned the “Swiss School” and “the grid” layout in another article and while most comments were positive about the…

What's new for designers, October 2014

The October edition of what's new for web designers and developers includes new web apps, content management systems,…

How to use UI design patterns

Design patterns are optimal solutions to common design problems. As common problems are tossed around a community and…

Comics of the week #257

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

3 fundamentals of responsive design you have to master

A few years ago, it was relatively easy to design and build websites. Websites were simpler, and were viewed on…

Perfect your calls to action with the right words

Words are hugely powerful. They are what mostly make up the Web. Without copy the Web would be nothing. Yet in many…

How to take your WordPress sites to the next level with custom post types

Custom post types are one of the key elements you should grasp if you want to create flexible, professional-grade,…

The easy way to future-proof your web design skillset

The last century has seen a tremendous shift in the value we place on artisans. Particularly in light of the mass…

How to draw beautiful things in the browser

Beautiful code is a joy to write, but it is difficult to share that joy with other programmers, not to mention with…

Comics of the week #256

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

30 small business themes for WordPress

There are so many things to consider when launching a startup or small business. But creating your website does not…

The secret to making a healthy profit from SaaS

Over the last few years a number of SaaS (Software as a Service) products have hit the market and opened up new…

The web designer’s guide to social media

With an overwhelming number of new and unique social networks entering the market, it is becoming increasingly…

The secret to surviving an unresponsive client

Why do some clients stop communicating with us all of a sudden? Is there any way out of this crappy situation? Picture…

Why you must use empathy effectively in UX design

Empathy arguably underpins user experience design more than anything else. Without it, we would all essentially be…