WDD Staff

WDD staff are proud to be able to bring you this daily blog about web design and development. If there's something you think we should be talking about let us know @DesignerDepot.

Interview: Steve Matteson

There's a good chance you're intimately acquainted with the work of Steve Matteson, it's probably right in front of you…

Deal of the week: Smashing Library

Smashing Magazine is one of the premium sources for learning the principles of web design. Their articles and eBooks…

Transforming the internet in 2013

It's amazing how far we've come in the last 15 years; the web has developed at a rate it took print 150 years or more,…

30 essential UX tools

When developers build websites, they often focus on the layout and technical features but neglect one very important…

Beautiful lettering of yesteryear

As designers we seem to have lost our courage, churning out identical brand 'solutions', posting Dribbble shots of the…

Build better sites by telling stories

I'm sure you've heard of personas and scenarios, but let's start with a quick explanation of how they are useful in the…

Deal of the week: FluidMask 3

Hands down the most frustrating task in Photoshop is cutting out hair, especially when the background's busy. For some…

Master typography in ten minutes

Typography is a subject of two extremes: you love it, or you hate it. Designers who love typography revel in all manner…

How to build standards-compliant responsive design using @viewport

One of the key concepts in any responsive design is the change of viewport size. That's because mobile viewports vary…

Inspiration for iOS7's color scheme finally revealed

The inspiration for Apple's color scheme in the iOS7 beta design has been a jealously guarded secret for months. Jony…

Deal of the Week: BrowseEmAll

With the amazing apps available for Mac these days, Windows users must get sick of hearing about "the latest must-have…

Yahoo! to rebrand after 30 days of change

For the average user there's little difference between products offered by Yahoo! and by market leader Google.…

Deal of the week: 10 Twitter Bootstrap templates

One of the very best frameworks to build new sites on is Twitter Bootstrap. Mobile-first, lightweight and powerful;…

How to boost your profit margin with a good brief

Do you cringe at the mention of a “brief”? It's just a document for clients and “suits,” right? Wrong! A brief has the…

Deal of the week: The ultimate guide to UI design

The web is full of advice on different aspects of UI design, but what no one ever seems to offer is a complete start to…

Deal of the week: Versatile Nexa Slab

If you have one workhorse display font that you rely on again and again, make sure it's a slab-serif. In recent times…

Deal of the week: Distressed Veneer font

We're all looking for ways to insert some cool into our designs, and you'd have to go some way to be cooler than this…

Deal of the week: Luxurious Samantha Script

One of the best ways of adding personality to a website is with a typeface; and when you’re looking for a touch of…