Week Four: Start a Web Design Agency in 28 Days

Three weeks ago, you started a web design agency. Then over the last two weeks, you’ve taken a leap toward making your…

3 Essential Design Trends, September 2022

As the season starts to change, so do some of the trends that web designers are using in projects. From a return of…

Ridiculously Challenging WordPress Quiz

I bet you didn’t know that WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder and content management system (CMS).

What Customer-First Web Design Looks Like

The purpose of a website is to reach new customers and keep current ones engaged. Therefore, customer-first should be…

20 Best New Websites, September 2022

This month we’re seeing websites that are very conscious of the design trends they’re following. Designers are making…

Week Three: Start a Web Design Agency in 28 Days

Two weeks ago, you started a web design agency. Last week you began to define your agency by choosing clients, setting…

How to Design an MVP Web Page

Learning how to design an MVP webpage or website could be one of the best things you can do as a site creator in…

15 Inspiring Alternatives to Dribbble & Behance

Web design is often stagnant because designers look at the same work and follow the same trends. Unfortunately,…

How to Measure Live Chat Performance

Live chat is one of the most powerful tools for customer experience in the current marketplace. In a world where…

Week Two: Start a Web Design Agency in 28 Days

Last week, you started a web design agency. This week we’ll help you take the next steps toward making your agency…

15 Best New Fonts, Aug 2022

There’s nothing like a new font or two to breathe new life into your designs. And so, every month, we put together this…

7 Reasons Your Website Needs (And Deserves) Regular Maintenance

In today’s fast-paced marketplace, having a website has become more of a necessity than a luxury. A website showcases a…

Week One: Start a Web Design Agency in 28 Days

Many designers and developers dream of starting their own web design agency. Most don’t try because it seems too…

3 Essential Design Trends, August 2022

There’s a lot of experimentation happening in website design right now. Of course, there are micro trends everywhere,…

10 Time-Saving Tools for Freelancers

If you’re a freelancer, you know that time is money. And if there’s one thing we could all use more of, it’s time. So…

Client Communication and Creative Control

If you’ve worked directly with a client, then on more than one occasion, they’ve probably come to you and said…

20 Best New Websites, August 2022

Every month we like to inspire you with a collection of what has caught our eye on the web. This month we have a real…

10 Ways to Perfect Your Newsletter Signup and Increase Subscribers

Your brain is extremely fast. It’s capable of processing data and making a decision with unparalleled speed. Macro…

How to Load Your Website With Social Proof

As the ultimate form of social proof, customer reviews are incredibly valuable to your clients’ companies. Around 95%…

Exciting New Tools for Designers, July 2022

We’re over halfway through 2022! And so far this year, we’ve seen some incredible side-projects, awesome apps, and a…

6 Best CMS Options for Web Designers in 2022

The CMS (Content Management System) you use as a web designer will significantly impact the kind of websites you can…

How to Build a Small Business Website With WordPress’ Gutenberg

A small business can do a lot with a website. So it might surprise you that only 71% of small businesses currently have…

15 Best New Fonts, July 2022

Typefaces give a voice and a character to our text. As a result, they influence our designs more than most design…

Quiz: The Super-Difficult Website Speed Quiz

Users expect websites to load quickly. As a result, companies like Amazon and Target spend millions of dollars…