How to Overcome 20 Reasons Not to Become a Freelancer

We recently published an article covering 20 reasons not to become a freelancer. The idea was that there are already…

Winners of the Massive Iconshock Giveaway

Today we have the results of last week's Iconshock Giveaway. We received over 451 entries for this super awesome…

It's here! Say Hello to

And it's finally out! Please meet our new site: It's a brand new and amazing technology blog that focuses on…

Comics of the Week #23

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

Something New is in the Air...

A few months ago, we announced that we'll be launching a brand new website this year... and that time has finally…

Setting Up the Optimal Work Environment

How much time do you waste on the average day looking for things buried somewhere on your desk? Or getting up to get…

Massive Giveaway of Iconshock Icons

Iconshock is the largest icon design company in the world and today they're bringing a spectacular giveaway to WDD…

Delicious Examples of Sandwich Art

Through WDD we love to show you how you can use your design skills to be creative in all aspects of your life, not…

How to Calibrate Color for the Web

When is orange more like red? Web designers, even picky ones, sometimes ignore color shift across monitors. How is a…

Comics of the Week #22

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

Creating and Applying Natural Textures

Textures make a website feel tangible. They give content a relationship to the physical world, a sense of place and a…

60+ Awesome New WordPress Themes

It seems like every time you go looking for a new WordPress theme, you find countless roundups of the same old…

20 Reasons You Shouldn't Be a Freelancer

We've all read countless articles on the reasons you should consider freelancing. They often make it out like anyone…

Comics of the Week #21

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

Book Review: Digging Into WordPress

Digging Into WordPress by Chris Coyier and Jeff Starr is one of the most comprehensive looks at WordPress…

The Virgin Atlantic Airways Blog: A Case Study

Working with a company as large as Virgin Atlantic was something of a dream come true for me. I it's something that a…

Winners of iPad and Free ActiveCampaign Licenses

Finally, the day you've been waiting for is here... The contests' results are in! 2048 comments were made for this…

Captivating Examples of Sleeveface Photography

Sleeveface is an intriguing phenomenon making its rounds on the web. It has become particularly popular on social…

Adobe Creative Suite 5 Brings Sexy Back

Adobe will unveil its new Creative Suite 5 on Monday April 12th at 8AM PDT, just a few hours from now. You can catch…

Comics of the Week #20

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

Book Review: Making Ideas Happen

Most creative professionals have no problem coming up with ideas. In fact, too many ideas is more often the problem…

You're Failing as a Web Developer — and Here's Why

There is endless content available in the world of web design blogging telling us how to do things right, and how to…

Win an iPad and Free ActiveCampaign Licenses

Who doesn't like freebies? We all do, and today the good folks at ActiveCampaign are bringing you an absolutely awesome…

The Ups and Downs of Being a Perfectionist

Almost everyone out there knows someone who's a perfectionist, if they aren't one themselves. Some people are…