Pass or fail: The top 30 technology company homepages

Although there are lots of posts that evaluate different design blogs, I haven't seen many that focus specifically on…

40 Stunning fantasy wallpapers

Here at WDD we get inspired by beautiful imagery... We look at our computer screens for long hours a day and what…

7 Free Tools to Identify A Font

So you're browsing through your favorite website and found a site that uses a font you love. You want that font too,…

13 Characteristics of Outstanding Blog Design

Most web designers and getting more and more requests from clients to design custom blog themes. While designing a…

Twitter is No Longer an Option. Why You Should be Tweeting.

Twitter is kind of like Apple fandom - either you love it or you find it a dreadful inconvenience to interface with. In…

40 Wallpapers loaded with color

When was the last time you changed your desktop wallpaper? Odds are it's been a while. Why not take a break from what…

Peeling a Hand in Photoshop

Today we're going to demonstrate how to peel a hand in Photoshop. You can use this technique to peel other objects of…

Large Website Backgrounds Do's and Don'ts

Large backgrounds make a very impressive visual impact on websites. A web designer has the possibility to play with…

6 Essential Firefox Add-ons for Designers

As a webdesigner (and technologically savvy user of the Internet), there is no excuse for you not to be using Firefox…

Are You Following the Principles of Top Notch CSS Design?

CSS can be an extremely powerful markup language for designers. However, the CSS that is produced is only as good as…

10 Essential WordPress Plugins to Start Your Blog (and Why)

Ready to start your own blog or online portfolio? Interested in downloading and incorporating WordPress into it? Or…

Mixing Fonts in a Logo

Mixing fonts inside any design can be a 'dangerous' idea. If the fonts are too similar then the viewer will feel…

How Ajax Works

In traditional JavaScript coding, if you want to get any information from a database or a file on the server, or send…