What's old is new again when it comes to SEO essentials

With at least 13 updates to its algorithms since April’s Penguin update targeted sites that violate Google’s webmaster…

Comics of the week #153

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and…

10 jaw dropping responsive landing pages

‘Responsive’ is the latest movement in web-development – and one that’s needed pretty badly. Every day, the number of…

Yahoo considering rebranding?

This is the logo you may be soon looking at whenever you point your browser to yahoo.com The Internet giant have not…

Making the right typographic choices

The internet, after you get past all the coding, is littered with different approaches to typography. There are a…

Windows 8: a tale of two OS

Today, Microsoft will be launching Windows 8, the biggest redesign of its flagship product in nearly two decades;…

Is falling down the career ladder the end?

I fully admit to my days of bastardness, obsessed with success, craving power over others for the sake of revenge and…

Brands from a parallel Comic-Sans dimension

What if we lived in a world where the only available typeface was Comic-Sans? That's the idea, or at least must have…

WebdesignerDepot redesigned!

And here it is... After way too many delays, countless mock ups and ideas, the new WebdesignerDepot.com is finally…

Redesigns: more help than you might think

Recently, I ran into a client that wanted to redesign their company's website. It was made using Flash, and of course…

Comics of the week #152

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and…

Take a closer look at tonight's beverage

It's Friday! Across the globe millions of workers will celebrate the end of a hard week and the arrival of the weekend…

Four freelance lessons learned the hard way

An interesting thing about working as a freelancer, while the area of expertise may vary, is that many of us will share…

Motion graphics are back… and HOT!

If you’re a fan of the show Mad Men or have seen the opening, then you’ve seen a motion graphic. Motion graphics were…


Since the advent of the first web search engines, designers and developers have struggled with issues of how to…

The hidden meaning behind really good logos

One feature that can make a logo shine more than any other is hidden meaning. Remember the last time you saw a logo…

Google allow you to plead ignorance

Since the launch of Google's Penguin update in April, sites that rely on black-hat link building including purchased…

Firefox gets friendly

Now that the dust has begun to settle on Mozilla's go-stop-go launch for Firefox 16, the company is able to turn its…

A simple guide to responsive typography

The vast majority of articles talking about responsive design focus on two main areas: a fluid, flexible grid, and…

Google folds

If there is an issue more likely than the fold, to cause web designers to draw battle lines and pick sides, we're yet…

Comics of the week #151

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and…

Internationalize your WordPress plugin

WordPress plugins allow you to easily modify and enhance your blog by bringing new functionality not otherwise…

Walk through a downpour without getting wet

The combination of technology and art is always fascinating when done well. The Rain Room, a new installation at The…

Firefox 16 crashes and burns

Mozilla's Firefox has been slowly losing market share since its peak in mid-2009. Prior to the establishment of…