20+ examples of beautiful and inspiring fonts

Choosing fonts for design projects can be a daunting task because there's thousands of fonts out there all over the web…

Flash-centric misconceptions of HTML5

With close to a decade of experience in web design, I have come across plenty of mistaken beliefs about the latest…

Comics of the week #121

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

10 of the coolest CSS3 and CSS effects

We all know it and we all love it, and of course by now you probably already know I am talking about CSS and…

An explanation of Photoshop Blending Modes

One of the most commonly used features of Adobe Photoshop is Layer Blending Modes. This allows you to blend layers, or…

The LessMoney Conference from the guys at LessEverything

If you own your own creative business, you're probably interested in learning how to make more money doing what you're…

15 dummy text generators you should know

As designers attempting to creating functional work, oftentimes we are required to make our designs look as finished as…

What’s new for designers, March 2012

The February edition of what's new for web designers and developers includes new web apps, frameworks, jQuery plugins,…

Comics of the week #120

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

Win the brand new iPad with MightyDeals.com

The new 'resolutionary' iPad was announced by Apple yesterday and the blogosphere is going wild! And we're pretty sure…

Idea fail: why it’s hard to push innovation

AAAAARGH! you scream as you exit the meeting. So, your great idea was turned down by someone at work or a client. Is…

Tutorial: Create 5 subtle background patterns

In the wonderful world of web design, it has become normal practice to create designs that utilize background patterns…

How to optimize your CSS

Keeping your CSS files small and organized is very important, especially if you’re going to spend any time editing your…

Comics of the week #119

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

8 tools to make your website for free

It's the truth that sometimes we have to and want to produce web sites on a budget. It's also true that sometimes we…

Design before computers ruled the universe

I’m old enough to remember working with Exacto blades and poisonous chemicals to create layouts for printing. I’m old…

Infographic: East coast vs west coast designers

Ever wondered what the difference between east coast designers and west coast designers? How designers in New York or…

6 ways to improve your blog’s design

Blogs can often be left out in the cold when it comes to design. A lot of us discount the need for intensive design…

A look at Photoshop CS6

If you follow Photoshop development news, you may have noticed that over the past few weeks they've been releasing…

Comics of the week #118

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

Interview with Kristina Halvorson

Content strategy has increasingly become a part of the web design conversation and in large part due to Kristina…

Common mobile web design mistakes

Mobile Internet usage is on the rise, and the world of Web design continues to evolve—so designers must learn to…

Designing for search engine optimization

When it comes to designing a new web site, most beginning and unaware designers only care about how amazing the site…

Setting up a local server for WordPress development

Today I'm going to talk to you about setting up a local server to use with WordPress. Using a local server is important…