What’s new for web designers – May 2011

New apps and websites appear on an almost daily basis, but trying to find the good ones among them can be tough,…

Comics of the week #77

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

An Introduction to Lomography

Lomography and lomography-styled photography has been growing in popularity in the past year or two, largely spurred by…

Design a forest inspired Tumblr theme in Photoshop

Tumblr is a micro-blogging platform that allows users to easily publish snippets of information to the web, such as a…

Big vs. small: Challenges in responsive web design

As the number and variety of devices from which we access the internet increases, new web design challenges present…

The web designer’s guide to a happier life

Life as a web designer can be insanely busy. We have multiple clients, each making numerous demands on our time. We…

Comics of the week #76

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

Advanced commenting systems for WordPress

WordPress has a perfectly adequate commenting system built-in. But it can quickly grow unwieldy and commenting can take…

How Facebook Comments is changing commenting on the Web

Facebook Comments is a recently released plug-in commenting system by Facebook that allows commenters to use their…

Do's and don'ts for designing email newsletters

If you run an online business, drawing customers to your website is vital for your continued success. While lots of…

Traditional typography meets modern techniques

Web designers are raging with excitement and renewed passion for typography as browsers advance, as web services…

How do you convince the average web user to switch to a non-IE browser?

As web designers and developers, we love to see how our sites and web apps look and function using a really good…

Comics of the Week #75

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

Reflections campaign by Tom Hussey

Tom Hussey is a photographer who focuses on advertising and portrait photography. The project featured on this post is…

Ultimate guide to crafting extraordinary headlines

No amount of effort put into a pixel-perfect design, with eye-pleasing typography, and heart-warming content can ever…

Common elements used in interface button design

Buttons and navigational elements are quite possibly the most commonly used interface objects in both desktop and…

HTML5 and CSS3: Wireframing in the final product

It’s a classic case of Photoshop versus website. Existing wireframing and prototyping tools are incapable of…

Striking Three Dimensional Glass Paintings

The amazing artwork showcased in this post consist of layers upon layers of glass, each and every one of which has been…

Comics of the Week #74

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging…

Artists unite for Japan Flags

Since March 11, the tragedy in Japan has impacted the entire world in many ways and unfortunately continues to do…

5 incredible hosted CMS' reviewed

Selecting a content management system on which to run a business website is an important decision. Businesses have…

Win 5 copies of The Web Designer's Idea Book 2

The second installment of The Web Designer's Idea Book takes the best methods of organizing content from a variety of…

Dark blogger portraits by Gabriela Herman

Gabriela Herman is a fine art, portrait and lifestyle photographer who is recognized for her intimate approach and ease…

What's new for web designers - Apr 2011

New apps and websites appear on an almost daily basis, but trying to find the good ones among them can be tough,…