Build better sites by telling stories

I'm sure you've heard of personas and scenarios, but let's start with a quick explanation of how they are useful in the…

Creative freedom may not be as free as you think

There are three things every creative yearns to hear: "we pay the total up front," "our staff is ready to sexually…

Deal of the week: FluidMask 3

Hands down the most frustrating task in Photoshop is cutting out hair, especially when the background's busy. For some…

What's new for designers, August 2013

The August edition of what's new for web designers and developers includes new web apps, jQuery resources, web…

Master typography in ten minutes

Typography is a subject of two extremes: you love it, or you hate it. Designers who love typography revel in all manner…

Should you be working with startups?

For me, working with startups has been a huge learning experience. Over the last two and a half years I've experienced…

How to build standards-compliant responsive design using @viewport

One of the key concepts in any responsive design is the change of viewport size. That's because mobile viewports vary…

Inspiration for iOS7's color scheme finally revealed

The inspiration for Apple's color scheme in the iOS7 beta design has been a jealously guarded secret for months. Jony…

How to use HTML5's drag and drop

For a long time JavaScript functions have existed that allow us to create drag and drop interfaces, but none of these…

Comics of the week #195

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and…

Deal of the Week: BrowseEmAll

With the amazing apps available for Mac these days, Windows users must get sick of hearing about "the latest must-have…

How to take WordPress to the cloud with Amazon S3 & CloudFront

Cloud computing is one of the buzzwords in the web design and computing industry that seems to have a very simple…

Yahoo! to rebrand after 30 days of change

For the average user there's little difference between products offered by Yahoo! and by market leader Google.…

10 CSS selectors you shouldn't code without

Every time we use CSS, we use selectors. But despite this, CSS selectors are one of the more neglected parts of the…

How to keep responsive design engaging

Responsive web design is popular and it’s absolutely no secret. It’s what experts are calling for and what many brands…

6 steps to charging what you're really worth

Most designers struggle with putting a price on their services. Many end up using a pricing model that leaves them run…

Comics of the week #194

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and…

Infographic: To app, or not to app

It's clear that the mobile web is on the rise. Taking a look at the stats, it's hard to see how desktop browsing can…

Deal of the week: 10 Twitter Bootstrap templates

One of the very best frameworks to build new sites on is Twitter Bootstrap. Mobile-first, lightweight and powerful;…

How to use social media B2B strategies

With so many social media B2B strategies for your business, the options can sometimes get a bit overwhelming. That is…

Do business and religion mix?

I’m a little choosy about who I follow back on Twitter. As with my other opt-in social sites, I’m not into quantity but…

Funny typographic beard guide

Facial hair (or lack thereof) can say a lot about a man. A day’s worth of scruff could mean a late night out the day…

Adobe announce a new subscription option

For years premium design and development software has been the exclusive preserve of Adobe. Since they outmaneuvered…

The worst portfolio ever?

A few weeks ago Alex Cornell, posted what he describes as "The Worst Portfolio Ever" a page of clichés, overused trends…